- With the DK2, make sure to be running in "Direct" mode and run the InterleaveVR_PreDemo02r01_DirectToRift.exe file.
- Start program
- In non-VR select resolution & quality (1920x0180 & "Ideal")
- In VR if you wish to change Input or Quality settings, hold the ALT key after running the game, before it finishes launching.
- Check the Input tab, configure inputs if needed:
- To nudge or move with a controller instead of WASD, configure the axes "Nudge/Control (Axis)" which are at the bottom of the list under Inputs. This should work with gamepads and joysticks.
- To aim using a controller, configure the "Alt/Controller Aim" axes.
- Click "Play!"
- If you do not intend to use a controller for movement, set MOVEMENT to KEYBOARD. Press "K" to toggle.
- If you do not intend to use a controller for aim, set AIM to MOUSE. Press "L" to toggle.
- Press "I" to make your ship invincible, or to turn damage back on
- Press Page Up or Page Down to adjust the mouse/controller aim sensitivity
- Choose your difficulty level by staring at the panel or pressing "J" to toggle.
- Select the control scheme, starting scene or starting act by using the panels (For first timers the Prelude is recommended. ), use the alpha-number keys (ie: not the numpad) or panels to change levels.
- At the title screen just left-click to start
- Use the WASD keys or a controller to controlor nudge the ship, depending on the selected control scheme
- If you picked the "VR" scheme, look at your targets to aim. Other schemes use the mouse to aim.
- Use the mouse wheel to push the ship forward and backward while in movement
- At any point during the game if you want to end your run, hold the ESC key for a few seconds.
- Once your game is ended (Game over or by holding ESC), right click to restart the demo or press ESC to quit, or in the second scene, you can left-click to restart the level.
System Requirements
- Windows XP/7/8 or Mac OSX
- Intel Q6600 equivalent or better
- 2GB RAM, 1GB Video RAM
- Radeon 6850 equivalent or better
- ~200MB Hard Disk Space
This game is still in development and the above requirements are estimates. Feel free to experiment even if you do not meet these. The main requirement is the capability of operating at 60 frames per second.
Version 1.1 Changes
- Added damage toggle key.
- Added self-adjusting 3D reticule
- Added aim laser
- Added player bullet homing
- Reticule enables bullet homing when aimed at enemy
- Added mouse sensitivity
- Improved object & enemy spawning
- Enlarged small enemy ships
- Reduced enemy firing rate
- Fixed powerup & waypoint orb motion
- Fixed mouse motion range
- Added clouds to scenery
- Added simple layered clouds directly in player path
- Added mouse sensitivity display panel
- Added invincibility prompt on panel
- Modified voice tracks
- Improved sound effect system
- Changed & added sound effects
- Fixed a bug where the player ship would attempt to spawn a missing texture upon taking damage
- Drastically improved overall performance (+90%)
- Optimized use of effects for collisions
- Improved boss/miniboss script performance
- Changed enemy textures slightly
- Replaced small-class enemy ship model
Version 1.2 Changes
- Added Horizontal/Vertical "WASD"/controller input for "nudge control" (precise movements with the ship)
- Fixed imperfections in the scene motion controller's gradual speed increase decrease to run the same at different framerates.
- Made some controls configurable in the startup app, notably movement can be done with a controller/joystick.
- Added separate acts and the ability to skip to them using the TAB key at start-up
- In game script completely rewritten. Less "constipated AM radio host", more "digitally distorted informative remote ATC controller". No more clownish pre-boss scene.
- Enemy layout reviewed, more enemies
- Improved graphics settings to go with newfound performance increase from last build
- Added invincibility shell effect
- Added effects on boss, powerups and waypoints
- 25% improvement on rendering speed, despite added effects!
- Use headphones for a better experience!
Version 1.2b Updates/Fixes
- Aiming is no longer relative to ship position.
- Circular health bar (health "ring") added behind the ship
- Health ring emits red/orange energy when health is critically low
- Health ring emits blue/green energy when invincibility is on
- When health above 100%, ring develops aqua border in inner edge
- Fixed a bug where the player could nudge powerups out of the way
- Fixed game-end summary panel alignments
- Fixed minor collision matrix issues
- Fixed score update routine
Version 1.3 Changes
- Added new control schemes
- VR scheme: Rift moves the ship, controller/keyboard nudges the ship, mouse/controller aims & fires
- Classic scheme: Controller/keyboard moves the ship, mouse/controller aims & fires
- Mapped controls for use with XBOX 360 controller (Sticks control & aim, R fires, L pushes forward)
- Aim sensitivity setting now common for mouse aim & controller stick aim
- Control mapping options added in start-up program "Input" tab
- Enemy motion & formations improved
- Fixed rail path controller acceleration/deceleration bug
- Rail path controller can now vary speeds as opposed to having just 3 modes
v1.3b Fixes/Improvements
- Introduced blinking effect on hit for player and enemies
- Fixed a major bug with the ability to skip to different parts of the demo
- Fixed enrgy orb problem, where the ship could push them away instead of collecting them
- Improved player bullet homing
- Decreased offset between laser and reticule (the reticule compensates for the forward movement of the ship, but this is less needed with the improved homing)

Download Interleave VR Preliminary Demo v2.1 for Windows DirectX 11* (Oculus DK1 & DK2)
Now uses SDK 0.4.1
Download Interleave VR for STANDARD MONITORS (Non-VR) Preliminary Demo v2 for Windows**
Download Interleave VR for STANDARD MONITORS (Non-VR) Preliminary Demo v2 for MacOSX
* DirectX 11 is on by default. You do not need to use the -force -d3d11 option.
** This version is also compatible with nVidia 3D Vision.
- Oculus Rift exclusive game concept
- Three different, comfortable-for-VR approaches to third person view control schemes
- Rail shoot 'em up type path through two levels, one vast terrain and a subspace tunnel rush
- Intuitive mouse or controller aiming & firing
- Powerful "Pulverizer" charge-up secondary attack
- Fiesty enemy fighters
- Miniboss that respawns later in the level if not defeated initially
- Defender of subspace miniboss
- Scorpion boss with a nasty charge attack
- Waypoint patterns, where the player must pass the ship through floating orbs
- Health powerups
- WDA Items (Weapon or Defense Aids) like shield, quicker secondary attack reload
- Driving Soundtrack (Music by Kevin McLeod)
- Narration and hints to a developing back story
- VR-friendly display panels
- Buttery-smooth performance (200-300+fps)
- Explosions!
Game development: Chris Courtois
Music by: Kevin McLeod
Version 2.1 Updates & Changes (Aug 28 2014)
- Removed aggressive cursor locking (Direct mode resolved cursor issue)
- Implemented Unity lib 0.4.1
- Compiled on DX11
- Fixed bug where default VR player start orientation could cause difficulty menu item to react
Version 2.0b Updates & Changes (Jul 31-Aug 5 2014)
- Game adapted for DX11 (VR Version)
- 2D Camera FOV @ 60 + FX (FXAA, Glow, Flare, etc)
- 2D Elements
- Aim/Movement Controller/Mouse/KB select
- Double tap dash control added (kb only; disabled for now has detection bug)
- Pulverizer bugfix : shot prioritized by distance from reticule panel instead of player
- Pulverizer, health & level bugfix : using gradient bars
- Pulverizer bugfix : scorpion boss, now aims for canon
- Clipper movement box reduced/adjusted
- Instruction panels around Clipper
- No more control explanation in voice script
- NEW "Puffer" enemy (Fires circular pattern)
- NEW "Zipper" enemy (Flies through real fast, tries to charge.
- New enemy capabilities, movement, roation, etc
- Enemies are now Shooter, Beamer, Zipper and Puffer.
- Enemy indicator signs for better visibility
- Enemy health bars for sturdier kinds (Puffers, beamers, bosses)
- Weak spot indicator for Scorpion & Red Stinger
- Corrected old beamer rotations
- Created NEW volcanic level
- NEW "Blood Burner" miniboss (Giant beam & "puffer" canons)
- NEW "Red Stinger" boss (Modular, sweeping beams, bullets & "puffer" canon)
- NEW Bullet Storm WDA (Curved Spreadshot)
- Difficulty Settings: Easy, Medium (default), Hard, FML
- Added mouse hide & lock to prevent window loss with extended monitors
- Oculus Rift DK2 support
- Mac Support (non-vr for now)
Version 2.0 Important notes for VR & DK2
- The VR version MUST run in "Direct" mode to obtain the proper refresh/frame rate. Simply run the InterleaveVR_PreDemo02r01_DirectToRift.exe and the game should launch right on the DK2.
Version 2.0 Other Known issues
- Controllers like steering wheels can interfere with this game. If intending to aim with the mouse, make sure AIM is set to MOUSE. Press L to toggle.
- For the same reason if intending to use only the keyboard, make sure MOVEMENT is set to KEYBOARD. Press K to toggle.
- You can for exmaple now lock your aim to the mouse while freeing up movement with a controller or vice versa with the keyboard.
- With VR, if you want to change input or quality options, run the InterleaveVR_PreDemo02r01_DirectToRift.exe then immediately hold the ALT key before the game is done launching. The Unity launcher will come up.
Version 1.7b Updates & Changes (Jul 07 2014)
- Controls; switch: VR (was Alt VR), Alt VR (was VR)
- Controls; new order: Classic as default, VR, Alt VR
- LTS (Look-To-Select) controls at start menus
- Raised target for VR aim (VR control scheme, HUGE improvement)
- Removed v-sync (huge improvement)
- Removed spacebar control to go forward
- Ship now uses mouse wheel for forward/backward movement
- Added enemy post-death animations
- Small enemy path coordinator, motion types (stalker, path)
- Added small enemy shot-type (gun or beam)
- Added new "BEAMER" enemy, fires solid beam
- Replaced all bullets, energy effects
- Replaced level 1 waypoint scene with ground beam turret section
- Rewritten script; 1st scene: instructions in first section, game intro after
- Different take on the voice
- Redesigned enemy layouts: kill the beamers, fast!
- Improved subspace tunnel
- Rapid Reload WDA bug, no longer revokes reload when expires
- Buttery-smooth performance (200-300+fps)
Version 1.5 Updates & Changes (Mar 02 2014)
- Added new, short and fast subspace tunnel transition type level
- Added level has new sountrack & voice
- Modified start screen & displays for multiple levels
- Added automatic jump to next level when boss is defeated
- Added new miniboss (subspace level); 2 sequences, 2 shot types
- Increased first miniboss & boss HP
- Manual level select with alpha number keys (1, 2)
- Changed trail texture on pulverizer shots
- Added green reticule for subspace level
- Small enemies have a halo in subspace to improve visibility
- Fixed bug with enemy motion ranges
- Fixed bug with pulverizer meter where it would be out of place if you restarted after dying with the rapid reload powerup
- Level-down sound cue only happens when level actually is reduced
Version 1.4 Updates & Changes (Feb 24 2014)
- Implemented new control scheme with look-to-aim mechanic (VR "Alternate")
- Known issue & solution: If you have unwanted controllers plugged in, the game may pick up on them, producing unwanted position or aim change.Don't forget to configure your preferred controls in the "Input" tab of the start-up app. You can press the "K" key to kill all controller input (except mouse, Rift and keyboard). Press again to re-enable. This option saves.
- Added weapon level-up system; player bullets get stronger every 2000pts, up to 12 levels
- Level-down occurs when hit is taken, goes down by half its current value
- Added secondary attack "The Pulverizer" with 9-15s reload time (depending on weapon level)
- Added Weapon or Defense Assist type pick-up items:
- Rapid reload WDA: Reloads seondary attack in 5s (lasts 28s)
- Energize WDA: Levels up the guns by 6, even above the limit of 12 (lasts 15s)
- Shield WDA: Makes the player invicinble to the next hit (lasts 20s or until hit)
- Added gauges for both weapon level and secondary weapon charge meter
- Added sounds & voice cues for level, WDA pick-ups and secondary weapon
- Control scheme setting & sensitivity setting now saves
- Refined aiming mechanism, less "jerky"; will improve more in future updates
- The final single-scene update; transition level to come